Regulated Industries – 6634

Spring 2015

Reading assignments for the first two days:

Weds., Jan. 21 -- Pages 1-26 of Regulatory Law and Policy: Cases and Materials by Shapiro & Tomain

Thurs., Jan. 22 -- Pages 29-37 of Regulatory Law and Policy: Cases and Materials by Shapiro & Tomain; TOC and excerpted provisions from Chapter 301 of Title 49 of the U.S. Code; Jerry Mashaw & David Harfst, Regulation and Legal Culture: The Case of Motor Vehicle Safety, 4 Yale J. on Reg. 257 (1987).  Note:  The statutory provisions and article by Mashaw & Harfst are provided primarily for background to supplement the material in the casebook.  You should look through them, but you do not need to read them super closely.  Instead, read through the casebook assignment, then skim through the article and the statutory provisions, focusing particularly on pages 257 through 274 of the article.Â