Politics of Legal Policy – 6874

This seminar has three goals. First, and most important, the seminar allows students to write a research paper on a subject of their choice. Second, the seminar aims to introduce students to selected tools used for policy analysis such as cost-benefit analysis. Third, the seminar introduces students to selected issues concerning education.

As to the paper, students may pick any topic which provides them with professionally relevant intellectual capital that they wish to acquire. The topic must be sufficiently narrow that they can make an intellectual contribution to the subject they present. A broad subject which might require a book-length treatment for the author to make a contribution would not be appropriate.

During the last third of the semester each student will present their research topic to the class. Most often the presentation is of a draft, not a final version, of their papers.

Graduation Requirements
Upper Division Legal Writing
Subject Area
Public Law
Student Year
Upper Division
Grade base
A - F
Course type