Heidi Kitrosser

Prof. Kitrosser Quoted in MinnPost on Constitutionality of Health Care Legislation

Professor Heidi Kitrosser was quoted in MinnPost.com on the subject of the health care legislation's constitutionality. In the article, "Is the health care legislation unconstitutional?" Kitrosser commented on the argument of some state attorneys general that the legislation unconstitutionally requires states to increase their Medicaid rolls. Kitrosser pointed out that states technically can opt out of Medicaid and that their participation is encouraged through federal spending incentives. She noted that the Supreme Court has historically taken a broad view on what kinds of strings the federal government can attach to its own spending programs.

Kitrosser spoke to Minnesota Public Radio on the same topic (the constitutionality of the then-proposed legislation) earlier in the year. There, she commented on arguments that the legislation exceeds Congress' power under the Constitution's commerce clause.