Prof. Goodwin Interviewed by CBS Radio News

Professor Michele Bratcher Goodwin was interviewed by CBS Radio News about child trafficking and adoption. Goodwin discussed the status of international adoptions in the United States, including reasons for the proliferation of international adoptions and problems that arise as a result given that such adoptions are not tightly regulated. Specifically, Goodwin highlighted how the recent controversy involving Justin Hansen, the little boy who was adopted by an American woman and then returned to a Russian orphanage last week, helps to expose the very difficult issues surrounding international adoptions—where both children and parents are vulnerable. Goodwin enumerated challenges associated with international adoption, such as language and cultural barriers, given that Americans adopt children from China, Russia, Korea, and other countries, but often do not speak the language of their children’s home country. Goodwin articulated the need for a more nuanced approach to discussions about these complex issues.