Prof. Goodwin Quoted in Houston Chronicle on Legality of Gov. Perry's Stem Cell Therapy

Professor Michele Goodwin was quoted in the Houston Chronicle, section A, page 25, on whether Gov. Rick Perry's stem cell therapy was legal. According to Goodwin, it is unclear exactly what type of stem cell therapy Perry received, and thus it is uncertain whether this is the type of case the FDA would pursue. Goodwin says typically FDA enforcement efforts are prompted by patient complaint. To the contrary, Perry projects a healthy appearance and speaks as if he was fully informed. Perry's celebrity political status will make this a challenging case for the FDA, says Goodwin, because the FDA does not want the public to be encouraged to pursue unregulated and illegal medical therapies, which are promoted by a public leader or celebrity. At the same time, officials at the FDA are certainly mindful of the current political climate and that Perry is a candidate for the US presidency.