Dale Carpenter

Prof. Carpenter Quoted in MinnPost on Supreme Court Justices Following Neutral Principles of Legal Analysis

Professor Dale Carpenter was quoted in a MinnPost "Eric Black Ink" column entitled "Something Changed: Picking a Supreme Court Justice is Now a Partisan Battle." Black wrote: "I asked constitutional law professor Dale Carpenter of the University of Minnesota Law School whether he believes Supreme Court justices are able to follow some set of neutral principles of legal analysis, even when it leads them to policy outcomes with which they would disagree. I really liked the maturity, complexity and balance of his answer, which went like this: 'There's evidence that the justices do vote against their policy preferences from time to time, enough to disrupt the general narrative that they just vote their ideological preferences. Chief Justice Roberts' vote to uphold most of the Affordable Care Act is the latest big example. But that doesn't stop the general story from being true.'"