Prof. Alan Rozenshtein Interviewed in The Atlantic about The Upcoming Supreme Court Cases That Could Redefine the Internet

Prof. Alan Rozenshtein was interviewed in the Atlantic about the upcoming supreme court cases that could redefine the internet.

Rozenstein told the Atlantic, "I think this is without exaggeration the most important Supreme Court case ever when it comes to the internet. At stake are tricky questions about how the First Amendment should apply in an age of giant, powerful social-media platforms. Right now, these platforms have the right to moderate the posts that appear on them; they can, for instance, ban someone for hate speech at their own discretion. Restricting their ability to pull down posts would cause a mess. The decisions could reshape online expression as we currently know it. Whether or not these particular laws are struck down is not what s actually important here," Rozenshtein argues. "What's much, much more important is what the Court says in striking down those laws how the Court describes the First Amendment protections."