Mondale Hall at sunset


Minnesota Law Mourns the Passing of Joseph O’Neill '56, Former Legislator, Lifelong Community-Spirited Citizen

Joseph T. O’Neill '56, a St. Paul attorney, legislator, and community leader and advocate, died on Jan. 24 at the age of 91.

O’Neill served as legal counsel in U.S. Air Force from 1956–59 in the Azores and served in the reserves after that until 1972. He practiced law in St. Paul for more than 50 years, including at O'Neill, Grills & O'Neill with his son and law partner, Michael. He served as an adjunct professor at Minnesota Law from 2004-13.

Joseph T. O'Neill '56

Seventh Annual MLK Convocation Focuses on Voting Rights

Without the right to vote, one has limited power. Which is why Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. pushed hard for voting rights throughout his career, urging Congress to guarantee the franchise to Black Americans.

 Justice Shannon, 2L, (moderator), Harvard Law Professor Guy-Uriel E. Charles, ACLU Policy Director Julia Decker

2L Samia Osman Initiates Relief Effort to Aid People of Drought-Stricken Somalia

Rather than spending her winter break recreating or relaxing, 2L Samia Osman decided to do something to help with the humanitarian crisis faced by her drought-stricken homeland of Somalia.
So, amid the rigors of preparing for finals, Osman found herself searching plane ticket prices and organizing a fundraising campaign so that she could return to the country that she once fled as a refugee to bring some measure of relief to its suffering people.

Samia Osman, 1L